![]() Corona virus and 2020 Lock-down! The world Came to a big halt, everything we know and love changed. The masses went into quarantine, and a little crazy! Pubs shut, restaurants closed, supermarkets limited their customers and we all stood 2 metres apart wearing face masks..... Was it a Zombie Apocalypse?...... So I wanted to create a post to look back on in years to come, to see the obstacles we faced. Never in our lifetimes have we experienced anything like this. People are dying, loved ones feel so far away, streets are empty. But this isn't a sad post. This is a post to help find the positives in life no matter what. Weather your pregnant or a new mom, this time has been tough for us all, but birthing in a pandemic isn't so bad. After our babies are born we get so many visitors, friends, family, everyone wants to meet and cuddle the new baby. And why wouldn't they? But its actually quite important to take a little time just you, your baby, your partner and if any, babies siblings. As a family unit together with no distractions, no one giving that bit of 'advise' on how to parent your baby. This is a time where we create that loving bond, establish breastfeeding (if you choose to do so) work out your new routine. The 4th trimester is a time of both physical and emotional change. So wear your PJ's snuggle with your family unit and don't worry about what your hair looks like, if the washing has been put away. Enjoy this precious time together without feeling guilty about turning visitors away, covid got you covered there! Daily visits from friends and family can be draining in the early days, on top of the recovery and little sleep, this can cause huge stress for the body and slow down your healing process. I know some moms will have a problem with this, and that's ok! if what you need is lots of people around then thats your choice. But give those visitors a task to take some of the strain from you allowing you to be together as a family unit. Ask aunt to cook some nourishing food, mom to run the hoover round, gran to bake some cookies anything that makes your life easier. "when a baby is born, so is a mother too, she deserves just as much attention and care as the newborn" Digital Doula So the birthing world is very limiting at the moment. No partners allowed in for appointments. No partners allowed onto delivery suite until mother is in established labour, and then strictly limited to 1! PPE worn by everyone. But there is hope. We live in a world where social media and technology allow us to stay connected at all times. So Take your partner with you to appointments using facetime. Make use of the digital online classes, some are free! and for the big day get yourself a digital doula! You read that right. Doulas are now going digital, still offering the same amazing support, skills and knowledge to help empower and support you on your journey. Online 1-1s Facetime during birth, telephone support. That means you can access doulas from all over the world. Don't have a local doula? that's ok many doulas are covering a lot more areas online. Breastfeeding You may have read that breast milk is excellent at a preventing or treating all kinds of stuff, but will it help with covid-19? there are many studies at the moment looking into this but so far this is all I've found https://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0010/437788/breastfeeding-COVID-19.pdf?ua=1
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So the government have announced up to £200 in shop vouchers for mums who breastfeed for 6 months.......
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-24900650 Should this be a reason to breastfeed? Personally I feel this money should be used to train more supporters to support those who who come across barriers to breastfeeding, and to educate parents on breast and formula feeding to allow educated choice. Is this money going to encourage women to lie? How will this make mums, who choose to formula feed for whatever reason, feel? Although I chose to breastfeed all of my children I fully support freedom of choice.. What are your thoughts? ![]() Wow what a great day!! Photo sessions, face painting, baby wearing, networking, food, and lots more. So the day is over and what a great turn out! I had so much fun chatting to all the lovely yummy mummies and squidgy babies! Nice to see partners and other family members there too, enjoying a great event put on by Walsall's NHS to celebrate all things birth and beyond. Seeing the girls from my old team was fantastic, I do miss working with them. I've been attending this great event for over 7years in some way or another, 1st as a pregnant mum, then as a mum with my little one, loving it so much I became a volunteer, and then as staff! I then went full circle to attend last year with a bump! and again this year volunteering! I am so passionate about what I do to support women and families to enjoy their journey. Hope to meet many more beautiful people in the years to come. Thank you to all the organisers and of course all the people who came along, cant wait to do it again next year! ![]() Just pretty or actually work? You may have heard of amber as a pain reliever but does it actually work to ease babies teething pain? I have used teething necklaces with my girls and found them to cut their teeth effortlessly. Was this because of the necklace or just coincidence? I have read various pages on forums suggesting the necklaces work and some that say the opposite. Amber is fossilized tree resin from ancient forests, and when in contact with warm skin releases healing oils with pain relieving and other therapeutic properties which are absorbed into the bloodstream. The amber is said to reduce inflammation caused by teething when worn close to the skin and promote a stronger immunity to common infection as well as assisting general well-being. These are a fantastic natural alternative for teething babies. How do they work? The active ingredient in amber is succinic acid which is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, and is known to stimulate neural system recovery and build the immune system, boost awareness, concentration and reflexes and reduce stress. Recently at my local playgroup quite a few of the mums were looking at my baby and admiring her necklace without knowing it had a purpose other than making her look pretty. After a discussion with these mums one of them went away and purchased one for her daughter who was teething and dribbling almost constantly. Next week she came with baby sporting her new necklace, "she hasn't dribbled once thank-you for the suggestion on getting a necklace" This sparked another discussion on the necklaces and if they actually work. Today is playgroup day and whilst waiting in the foyer another mum came up to me "I cant believe it, I've brought one and i haven't used teething gel once! she has stopped dribbling and is so happy" she too had got a necklace for her daughter "I was skeptical but thought hey what have I got to loose? and if it doesn't work I can always send Tammy the bill!" So we have started a bit of a trend in our local playgroup! but the question still remains, do they work or is it coincidence? Ill leave that for you to decide for yourself Test Yours Out
Welcome to my new website :-)
It's Easter, a time for new beginnings. And here it is... My website is born! I still have lots to do, add more content, set up new classes etc.. But I'm getting there, with family life n everything that goes with it. It's exciting times. Look forward to getting to know more wonderful people and being part of their journey <3 Tammy <3 |
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